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the collection + exhibition

September, 2024

Might we engage in some colloquy?
It's necessary to break the fourth wall. I enjoy being fervently honest. In my art, anyway. Hehe.

I love talking. "Discourse" is the conversation that, if you listen, is always occurring. My friends say that conversation is a favorable past time of mine because it is my favorite tool for exploring the big world. Perhaps they're on to me.

I spent the last few weeks of summer making these pieces, building a connection with them. About 11 hours were spent both alone / with friends hanging the works.

I make these in strange places at strange times and whenever feels right, and sometimes when it feels really wrong. There's around 50+ pieces total included in the final collection, I'm still uploading them here.

THANK YOU to everyone who helped me open the conversation. I'm so grateful I have the opportunity to express myself and people look at it, think about it, and maybe even take it home in their brain for later.

Two installments are
 on display, one at the Starkville Area Arts Council (first at Proof location) and one in the Union Gallery at Mississippi State University (2nd floor). 

I'm very excited to show you these. They're an evolved departure from my previous work. I'm inspired still by my time last year at the MARS residency in Sessums, MS. I experimented a lot there with honesty on paper. There's a bit of scientific illustration I'm working on with Tristan + others included @ MSU's installment.

I'd be delighted if you celebrated this little piece of the much larger, more existential, palaver pie with us at the receptions this weekend.
Very grateful to have my boss and dear friend, Tristan, providing euphony during the respective receptions (live music of his original composition). Lastly, I'm exercising my creativity live, if you're interested in beholding my consciousness. (Live painting.)

-(Sep 27th, 6PM- Union gallery- 2ND Floor.)
-(Sep 28th, 5:30PM - Starkville Area Arts Council, Proof Location.)




blog post + info / the works


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Here they are. (Still uploading them.)

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